
Building HR Strategy

  • HR driven organizations must break down business goals into strategic implications and define priorities that drive organization’s success and create business value. We help such organizations in HR strategic planning and HR transformation initiatives by first understanding their mission, strategy and business goals. This becomes a stepping stone to identifying capabilities and skills required to run the organization. Further, we identify gaps between the current state and future needs of the organization. Finally, we develop HR goals to address gaps and establish criteria for measuring successful strategy execution.

Establishing Company Culture

  • Culture acts as an amplifier for purpose and strategy to achieve critical business results. We help organizations shape their culture for success.

Enabling Global HR Certifications

  • We help organizations get global certifications that enable them to attract and retain top talent, improve productivity, enhance reputation, and gain valuable insights into their workplace culture.

Implementing Kaizen

  • Organizations which have implemented Kaizen have gained tremendous business and have achieved volumes of success. Kaizen is nothing but “Suggestion”- Suggestion towards improvement. Kaizen is required as part of Change, Innovation and Performance Improvement. We help organizations understand and implement Kaizen the right way thereby facilitating quantifiable results.

Succession Planning

  • A good succession plan identifies future staffing needs of the organization and the people with the skills and potential to perform in these future roles. We follow the process of identifying the critical positions within the organization and developing action plans for individuals to assume those positions. Taking a holistic view of current and future goals, this type of preparation ensures that the organization has the right people in the right jobs today and in the years to come. 

Development of Vision and Values

  • A vision statement matters because it outlines the common goal of everyone in the organization. A vision statement can affect an organization’s long-term success, so the leaders must take the time to craft one that synthesizes their ambition and mobilizes their staff. Defining a vision and values statement clearly strategizes their future plans, motivates employees to work toward them and lays out clear leadership values. Vision statements are future-based, and they are meant to inspire and give direction to employees. 
  • Mission statements are based in the present and convey to stakeholders and community members why a business exists and where it currently stands.
  • Values are the beliefs of an individual or group, and in this case the organization, in which they are emotionally invested.
  • We contribute to the setting of organization’s values and vision and how they can plan to achieve and uphold them. We help our clients craft their vision statement simple and forward-looking after analysing perspectives from their leaders, employees and clients.

Organization/ Department Design or Restructuring

  • Restructuring of an organization or a team is always a difficult time and delicate too. As part of restructuring, there are changes to the structure, culture, and strategy to adapt to changing environments, improve efficiency, or achieve other goals. Restructuring may also create uncertainty, resistance, and conflict among employees and stakeholders. During this period the leaders must balance the need for efficiency and flexibility. During such period, we stand by our clients and help them look closely at the current state and envision the end game clearly. We help them implement the chosen option and monitor results and finally refine the structure and performance of the revised team. We help them do the most needed brutally honest conversations and assessments. During such an enormous change, there may be downsizing, upsizing employees, changes in staffing requirements, etc. We help our clients sail through all of it smoothly.

Goal Setting/ KRA framework

  • A study by Gallup found that only one in two employees knows what is expected of them at work every day. Simply put, that means that half of any workforce has no clue what they’re doing at work.
  • We help our clients build SMART goals and KRAs that help individuals align their roles to the larger business plan and focus on results rather than activities. This allows employees to set priority goals and objectives and make effective decisions.

Standardizing HR Policies and Practices

  • Standardization towards global best practices is more relevant than either standardization towards HQ practices or localization. Thus, our solutions regarding standardization of HR Policies and Practices focus primarily on international best practices while keeping a close eye on the practices at the head offices as well as local and cultural fitment. This way we are able to address the perpetual conflict between global integration and local responsiveness.

Planning and Budgeting

  • Leaders and managers need to focus their attention from current to future operations. Hence, it becomes vital for them to start with planning and budgeting. Planning and budgeting provide standards against which actual performance can be measured. Also it allows managers to reassess goals and objectives and the means for accomplishing them.

Staffing and Skilling

  • We nurture skill development initiatives and projects to align with the national agenda for relevant skill augmentation. By providing client-centric solutions and maintaining high ethical standards in our operations, we help businesses find the right talent for their needs and enhance workplace productivity.

Systems and Tools

  • It is important to choose the right systems and tools that go with the current maturity level of the organization and not follow the latest in the market. At times a simple tool created in-house makes better sense than getting the best standardized product from the market. A relevant product results in automation of HR transactions thereby resulting in better experiences for managers and employees.
  • We help our clients transform employee experiences and HR and business leaders maximised outcomes from the implementation of the relevant systems and tools.